hier die etwas genauere Simulationen zum Flotten CO2
The GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator The GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator was developed for Clean Cities stakeholders to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and petroleum use for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.
GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator 1.1 (401 kB xls) User Guide for the GREET Fleet Footprint Calculator 1.1 (64 kB pdf)
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Clean Cities Area of Interest 4: Alternative Fuel and Advanced Technology Vehicles Pilot Program Emissions Benefit Tool
Download Clean Cities Area of Interest 4 Emissions Benefit Tool (Excel 57 KB) This tool has been created for the Clean Cities Funding Opportunity Announcement for Area of Interest 4: Alternative Fuel and Advanced Technology Vehicles Pilot Program. The tool is based off the AirCRED model's methodology using EPA's MOBILE6 model and light duty vehicle and heavy duty engine certification data to generate criteria air pollutant emission credits. However, for this tool, the GREET model is also used to generate data for vehicles not certified and well-to-wheel greenhouse gas emissions.
This tool requires the user to input:
The number of vehicles planned to be purchased The average amount of miles each vehicle will be driven The amount of days per week each vehicle will be driven The tool will output annual carbon monoxide, volatile organic compound, nitrogen oxide, and greenhouse gas emission credits.
Gruß HPH