
Factor values in qualitative modelling
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Author:  le_roi_ponpon [ Thu 24. Oct 2013, 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Factor values in qualitative modelling

Hello, we all know that initial values affect the way a model behaves. What are the initial values assumed in iModeler? Even in qualitative modelling, we would like to know if a factor stays constant over time, decreases or increases.. How do I assess that?

Author:  Kai [ Thu 24. Oct 2013, 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Factor values in qualitative modelling

In quantitative models there is either an input series providing a value for the first time step or the use of the valuebefore(initial value) formula allows for a definition of a value before the actual simulation starts.

A qualitative model just assumes that a factor has a virtual value of 1 causing an impulse on all the factors along the cause chain that depends on the weightings of the connections.

The only way to differentiate this impulse is to define delays on the arrows. Then, the impacts of this impulse will develop, e.g. the weak impact of 10 will lead to an impulse of 0.1 onto the next factor if it is short-term, an impact of 0.05 short term and 0.1 mid term if it is mid term, and 0,025 short term, 0,05 mid term and 0.1 long term if it is a weak long term impact.

Author:  le_roi_ponpon [ Thu 24. Oct 2013, 23:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Factor values in qualitative modelling

Thanks Kai, good to know! Is there a way to save these factor values just like we do in the quantitative mode? i.e. show a graph, table, export?

Author:  Kai [ Wed 30. Oct 2013, 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Factor values in qualitative modelling

From another post I know that you have found the export feature of the insight matrix :-)

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