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PostPosted: Mon 16. Mar 2015, 15:16 

Joined: Thu 5. Feb 2015, 14:25
Posts: 8
I am not able to handle delays with iMODELER 6 anymore. I am in trouble. Are there any helptexts available (Step by step help).

PostPosted: Fri 3. Apr 2015, 21:43 

Joined: Fri 3. Sep 2010, 13:20
Posts: 300
Sorry, we have overlooked that post. Put in KNOW-WHY terms for many of our long time users the new features for the weighting of connections are too much development without integration. So, let us integrate this development. Up to this change a delay meant that for example
- a short term weak impact resulted in 10 short, 10 medium, and 10 long term
- a medium term impact resulted in 5 short, 10 medium, and 10 long term
- a long term impact resulted in 2,5 short, 5 medium, and 10 long term.
While many modelers never cared about the figures and just looked at the qualitative comparison of factors others were asking what delay actually meant and what the figure of 10 meant anyway. However, though it was described in the manual and the latest books it nevertheless was kind of black box.
Now we have decided to make it a white box. You can decide how a delay should behave, whether it develops its impact as before or whether you want to model e.g. a short term impact of 0, a medium impact of 0, and just a long term impact of 10.
However, your old models still show the known impacts from the older version.
Also, you can now decide to let an impact go up and down or decrease!
And finally, you now do not have to ask why weak should be 10, medium 17 and strong 25. Instead this attributes depend on the number of influencing factors. With 20 influencing factors a medium impact would be 5.
Actually, the iMODELER should still allow for the quick modeling of weak, middle and strong, short, medium and long term, just more powerful and transparent. Wouldn't you agree?

Kai Neumann


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