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PostPosted: Tue 15. Feb 2011, 23:58 

Joined: Fri 3. Sep 2010, 13:20
Posts: 300
Hi all

with version 7 of the MODELER we have provided the range()-function to let the MODELER run scenarios of all possible solutions resulting from a range of possible values that factors may have.
While Soft Operations Research means that the user tries some scenarios based on his or her experience and gut feeling, Hard Operations Research is mathematically approximating an optimal solution, e.g. with the simplex algorithm, to a challenge that suits an ideal structure of constraints expressed with equations onto a goal that is to maximize or minimize something.
The MODELER (yet) offers no algorithms for approximation but the range() formula allows the full enumeration of all possible solutions and therefore the identification of the optimal set of parameters. Of course this may take some time and you may risk to choose larger step parameters in the range() formula.
As there are few if any practical users of simplex algorithms out there we think the full enumeration of possible solutions that doesn't require an ideal set of constraints is the best solution for our customers. However, if you are familiar with simplex algorithms and ideal sets of equations you may like the attached example taken from an OR textbook.

Happy modeling


MiniORBeispiel.cons [14.82 KiB]
Downloaded 1320 times

Kai Neumann

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