
How to model risks within projects (using Monte Carlo)
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Author:  Kai [ Tue 7. Sep 2010, 21:59 ]
Post subject:  How to model risks within projects (using Monte Carlo)

Hi everybody,

as I'm preparing a paper on the management of complexity within projects I'd like to provide a small example on how to use the new Monte Carlo Simulation to run scenarios on the likelihood of risks within a project.
Two major risks within projects are resources that become ill or otherwise unavailable and projects that got interrupted by other projects/tasks after that the resources have to refocus on the original project again.
This model just shows how the risk, the likelihood of such events influences the point in time a project gets finished.
It is a quantitative model with fewer than 20 factors to be tried with the demo-version (6.0.1 and later).
Please place your questions and own examples....

Happy modeling


File comment: version 6.5 with less than 20 factors to be run within the Starter version / free version
ProcessMCDemo.xml.zip [11.29 KiB]
Downloaded 1611 times

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