
Insight-Matrix and the option to reduce the maximum depth...
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Author:  Kai [ Thu 2. Dec 2010, 12:22 ]
Post subject:  Insight-Matrix and the option to reduce the maximum depth...

.... of cause and use-trees.
This you may use if the calculation of the insight matrix seems to take endless minutes because of the number of factors and loops in your model. In some cases if you call the insight matrix the MODELER proposes to limit the depth to 5 because the trees already consist of more than 30.000 elements (factors). We recommend to accept a depth of 5 and increase this successively until the calculation takes too long for you. In most cases the result doesn't change with a higher depth as factors far away from the chosen factor have only minor impact. However, in some models the sum of many minor impacts results in a major impact and therefore you have to wait for the calculation of the insight matrix based on a higher depth.

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