
How to import a list of factors
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Author:  Kai [ Fri 15. Oct 2010, 13:11 ]
Post subject:  How to import a list of factors

The easiest way to import a list of factors should be the Excel database import shown with the screenshots attached to this post.
However it is not possible to import a matrix so the weighting still has to be done within the MODELER.

The weighting matrix from the MODELER in turn can be exported as csv file - though you shouldn't need that ;)

By the way: more and more we hear from - and experience - problems users have with not just weighting through the impact matrix but also drawing connections by filling empty fields. Only too often they draw redundant connections that result in what we call spaghetti-models. For example a connection between a coffee machine and the motivation of employees, that itself has an impact on quality. Many users are tempted also to fill the field in the weighting matrix that draws a direct connection between coffee machine and quality. Sure, the coffee machine has an impact. But it is only the impact that is already modeled via the motivation of employees.

ExcelFile.jpg [ 107.32 KiB | Viewed 10535 times ]
ImportDialogue.jpg [ 148.58 KiB | Viewed 10535 times ]

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